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Content related to "Wants and Needs"


Showing 51 to 60 of 1501.

What I've Learned From My Young Dominant

I’ve had other Doms comment that He can’t really teach me, that He can’t really control me, blah blah. He isn’t old enough, there is no way He could have the experience needed to handle a strong sub like me. However, to me, it’s less about experience than the intuition He has.

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Is Monogamy a Dying Trend? The Rise of Poly in BDSM Relationships

On a few sites I frequent I have been getting an impression recently that poly relationships and playing with others outside your primary relationship are not only accepted but expected. I'm uncomfortable with this way of thinking.

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What Is A Doormat Submissive?

A common derogatory word used in submissive circles is “doormat” as in, you don’t want to be a doormat submissive. Rarely is it talked about beyond saying that you should not let your Dominant walk all over you. I agree of course, but for the inexperienced, understanding what that really means can come after being trampled into the mat.

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The Chase is On - Communicating Openly With Your Dominant

It’s hard sometimes to open up and talk about what’s going on. Yes, it is much easier for one party to just assume that the other party knows what’s going on when in reality; they don’t even have a clue. How is a slave’s Master to know that the slave is struggling with keeping in the mindset they need unless the slave speaks up?

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A Day in the Life - Autumn

Autumn's tale of a typical day in her life. This is part of the Day in the Life series here on the site where you too can share your typical day with other submissives.

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A Mental Predicament: Balancing Wants and Needs

The transition to 24/7 D/s turned out to be much more challenging for us.

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Poly Conflict: Feeling Like a Third Wheel in a Triad

Do you have any advice for someone in a triad that is constantly feeling like a third wheel because the other female sub puts a constant emphasis on being "wife" and legally married to the male dominant of the relationship?

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How Do I Let Him Know I'm Committed to Him?

How can I tell my partner that I'm not going anywhere and am interested in a long term relationship and possibly marriage?

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Sample Master/slave Contract with Ethical Non-Monogamy Section

A sample D/s contract that also includes a non-monogamy section. Feel free to copy, edit and use this one for creating your own relationship contact.

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How Do I Find a Dominant?

How DO you go about finding a Dominant in this modern world? Here's a short list of ways you can begin to search for a Dominant partner.

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