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Content related to "A Mental Predicament: Balancing Wants and Needs"


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30 Days of Submission

Every day throughout the month of November 2013 there was a new post from me answering the questions posed in the 30 Days of Submission meme that I’d seen going around. You gain a glimpse into who I am as a submissive and my relationship with KnyghtMare.

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The Evolution of Submission or Why I'm Glad I'm Not the Submissive I Was Ten Years Ago

I'm not the submissive I was ten years ago. I'm someone different, someone more.

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Kink and Mental Health: Can “sub drop” be a trigger?

With regard to the question of whether or not sub drop could trigger a depressive episode (for lack of a better description), my honest answer has to be, I don't know. In this wide world, where things are constantly changing, and everyone's just a little bit different than everyone else, it would be impossible for me to say for sure how anyone I haven't dealt with for a decent amount of time will react to any circumstance.

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What I've Learned From My Young Dominant

I’ve had other Doms comment that He can’t really teach me, that He can’t really control me, blah blah. He isn’t old enough, there is no way He could have the experience needed to handle a strong sub like me. However, to me, it’s less about experience than the intuition He has.

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Single in the Scene VII: The Unaccompanied slave

Attending an event as a free slave doesn't have to be a point of anxiety.

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What Do You Do When Top Drop Rules Your Relationship?

He saw my eagerness and it scared him. He had seen it before. He saw my willingness to a poly relationship and it petrified him. You see he had accomplished his dream relationship before me and it had crumbled because of others. I scared him because I was the dream again.

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How BDSM, SSC, and Feminism Work Together

As long as your relationship (both in play and out of play) follows SSC standards, then you have a healthy relationship, and there is nothing that detracts from the fact that I believe men and women deserve equal rights.

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Eight Miles - Looking For a Smooth Transition for Long Distance Relationships

Healthy, and a little scary, but ultimately beneficial, the changes from one to the other can be a little surprising, and undoubtedly will raise small conflicts of opinion that will need to be addressed.

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Learning to Help a Partner Through a Poly Breakup

Breaking up is traumatic and should be managed like grief and loss. It can't be rushed and everyone deals with it differently. But as long as you have patience you can help your partner make it out the other side.

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Contracts as a Road Map to Ever-Evolving Dynamics

A written contract is a tool, simple as that. The written contract is not just useful to new dynamics trying to create a roadmap of new Power Exchange dynamic; it can help prevent problems up ahead and provide a lovely reminder of how far you've traveled together.

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