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Discipline and Punishment

Discipline comes in all shapes and sizes.It is a part of molding a submissive’s behavior and making corrections when they step out of line. Punishment though is a different beast. Punishment is for very severe infractions. I consider this to be things that could be deal breakers or relationship-enders. Punishment of this caliber should be rare or not at all. These differences are discussed and explored in the following series.

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Lessons in Submissive Speech

Not long after my first step into the real world of BDSM I learned of a phrase that to this day has no real definition that I can pin to it. That phrase is “speaking submissively.” To me, there is no way to speak submissively that isn’t also speaking respectfully and with deference. Many other people speak the same way in situations that call for it, like in front of a judge or to the president for instance.But I still get questions about how a submissive is supposed to say x, y and z so I thought that I’d do my best to convey what I think would work in a variety of circumstances so that if the occasion arises that you need to “speak submissively” you’ll have something you can say.

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Personal Grooming Service Skills: How to Give a Romantic Bath

In Ancient Rome and Egypt, bathing in scented oils was a prelude to lovemaking. Giving a bath to someone else is not only romantic but a powerful service that can show devotion and commitment if done correctly. Here are five very important tips to make sure you start out on the right foot.

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2 Weeks to Better Submissive Positions - Day 12: Learn How to Stop Fidgeting Through Meditation and Focus

Today I'd like to talk about the bane of many a submissive; fidgeting. Sitting still is really hard for me in many situations. Either nerves or discomfort will cause you to twitch and move when all you want to do is not move. So how do you learn how to cut down your fidgeting?

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Service: There’s an App for that!

Well, there’s not really an App for service. Wouldn’t it be nice if there were? However, there are a lot of Apps out there that can make running your household (and your Master!) a lot easier!

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Submissive Advent - Day 5: The Music Will Set You Free

What is your submissive theme song? Do you have a song or a set of lyrics that speak about how you feel about submitting?

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Submissive Advent - Day 22: Here We Come a Caroling

Holidays are celebrated all over the world right now and with each and every one there is a song to be sung.

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3 Easy Steps to Setting the Mood - Make Your Playtime More Orgasmic, Full of Energy and Fun

Sure we can! Just because we love rope, leather, floggers, and control doesn’t mean we can’t have the mood set beforehand. So, what do you do?

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5 Ways to Stop Thinking of Work When You Come Home to Your Dominant

It’s a struggle to change your power position mind from work to the subservient mind of the submissive at home. I know I spent a lot of time in time out when I got home because I would start my arrival from work with demands and fussiness and arguing. I had to learn quickly what would work for me to shift gears. You too can learn to shift your mindset from a work mind to your submissive at home mindset with just a few steps.

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