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Showing 131 to 140 of 147.

What Do You Do When Top Drop Rules Your Relationship?

He saw my eagerness and it scared him. He had seen it before. He saw my willingness to a poly relationship and it petrified him. You see he had accomplished his dream relationship before me and it had crumbled because of others. I scared him because I was the dream again.

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What is a Fetish?

We use the term fetish to describe many actions or conditions which appear with relative prevalence within the BDSM communities.

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What is Aftercare?

Most often we associate this term with the time frame immediately following a 'scene'. However, this term is equally applicable at many other points and times and many times is not associated with BDSM or D/s at all.

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What is (Emotional) Abuse in a BDSM Relationship?

Mistress Steel takes aim at emotional abuse in BDSM relationships with a thorough definition and discussion about what it looks like and the impact it can have in a power exchange relationship. This article is a jumping off point and is meant to help you learn what is and isn’t abuse. If you feel you are being abused and need help, please contact your local partner abuse hotline.

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What is Kajira?

I am Kajira. I am a slave. First off that makes me a tool to be used at my Master’s every whim. Whether that is for sexual pleasure, for comfort, for massage, or just to sit in position as commanded.

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What It Means to Be an Owned Kajira

It is my place to be the loving, clumsy, sensual, bolshy, caring, frightened, strong, impatient, intelligent, emotional, imaginative, feral (yeah, I know) person that I am. …Which all brings me back to that one simple word… PEACE. I can try to fight all I want who I am inside, but in the end, I will not win because I am what I am.

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What I've Learned From My Young Dominant

I’ve had other Doms comment that He can’t really teach me, that He can’t really control me, blah blah. He isn’t old enough, there is no way He could have the experience needed to handle a strong sub like me. However, to me, it’s less about experience than the intuition He has.

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What Traditional Submissives can Learn from Hypnosis Fetishists

The hypnosis fetish, however, is relatively new. And because of its newness, traditional submissives sometimes dismiss hypnosis as unnecessary or a cheat. But hypnofetishists have learned a lot about sex and relationships in the past twenty years. And traditionalists could learn something from us: the importance of rapport.

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When Fantasy Collides with Reality: Weighing Expectations when Exploring Kink Fantasies

Unrealistic expectations and desires are some of the most difficult challenges faced by those who are experienced in the lifestyle when dealing with those just entering the lifestyle. In many ways we each buy into a particular ‘aspect’ of the fantasy. Yet over and over people try to implement the impossible.

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When Journaling Gets Hard - How Depression Affected Our D/s Dynamic and How My Journal Helped Bring Us Back Together

This is a personal account of what can happen when journalling goes wrong. In Elle's case, it was when she became depressed. It's about how to recognize that there is a problem, and what you and your dominant might do to overcome it.

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