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Content related to "A Slave's Longing - Not Quite Frenzy"


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BDSM vs Abuse

The core of BDSM is consent. No one will disagree with this. We are all aware, hopefully, that abuse is not consensual. If you feel that what is going on is ‘not right’ then you certainly should investigate if it is abuse or not. Some of what you may feel could not be abuse at all, but it’s good to know for sure. Learn how you can see the differences for yourself.

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When Submissives Go Wild: Sub Frenzy

Submissive Frenzy is a state of mind that you may experience at any point in your submission. It is most commonly associated with new submissives, but it can also come about when more seasoned submissives end a relationship or even during a relationship. During submissive frenzy, you may feel a desperate need to have your desires fullfilled. Many of the activities in BDSM can be considered addictive and frenzy is much like a withdrawl stage.

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Age or Experience: What's More Important in a Dominant?

Age or experience, particularly of the Dominant seems to always been in question no matter where you are. You hear it in forums, at munches and casual gatherings. So much of what we do hinges on that little bit of information. For many submissives that I'm acquainted with, there is no question that experience is important to them. For others, they could never see themselves with someone who isn't their own age no matter their experience level. What is it about those two numbers that make them so important?

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Why I Used to Believe I Could Never Be a Slave

There are slaves of all types and I never even gave a thought to my definition after meeting countless slaves and learning about them. My definition still stood for me. And that's why I decided I could never be a slave. I couldn't ever live up to the narrow and difficult road I had painted for a slave. But that's slowly changing.

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How to Safely Manage Sub Frenzy

How to manage sub frenzy so that it leaves you smarter, stronger and more prepared to handle the rush.

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Single in the Scene Part V: The Truth about Singlehood

There’s a downright ugly side to it, especially when the slave has been ‘alone’ for a long period of time. That has been my situation. Whew… Breathe with me, for I’m about to share some things that people either don’t think really happens or are afraid to admit to happening …

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A Day in the Life - Autumn

Autumn's tale of a typical day in her life. This is part of the Day in the Life series here on the site where you too can share your typical day with other submissives.

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31 Days To Better Domestic Service: The Ten Minute Challenge

The secret to a clean home and less stress over tidying up is to break it into smaller tasks. Try 10 min clean. It's a breakthrough in your chore routine.

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Busyness, Why Do We Think It Adds Value?

I've come to see that oftentimes we slaves measure our value as slaves according to the accomplishments of other slaves and attempt to match the productivity level of other slaves that we look up to.

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Sample Consensual "Slavery" Contract

A simple sample contract you can use to create your own.

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