Scheduling your time, prioritizing your goals, and optimizing your day, are highly personal pursuits, and more of a subjective art than a universal science.
Read The Article | Find SimilarIt doesn't have to be a headache every time you arrive home and see the house in disarray. With these easy to implement steps you can keep the house maintained in just a few minutes each day. These may seem obvious, or common sense ideas but they really do work and with just a few minutes each day can free your time to meet the other demands of your day.
Read The Article | Find SimilarMenu planning can save you money, time and just sanity. I menu plan when I make my grocery list. I start by going through my pantry and freezer and throwing out things that are old, expired or don’t look good/smell good. Maybe I have 5 pounds of chicken but only 1 pound of ground beef - then I better start planning chicken for the menu. I straighten things up and organize so that I have a clear view of items I have and can use. It also makes putting away groceries easier if things are more organized.
Read The Article | Find SimilarThroughout my struggles, I’ve found a few things that worked to help me feel like my staying at home was not only what he wanted but also the best thing in the world for me too.
Read The Article | Find SimilarWhat I include in my home management binder and some other ideas for creating the home management binder that will work for you.
Read The Article | Find SimilarWant a digital Home Management Binder? Check out the ebook, "Paperless Home Organization!"
Read The Article | Find SimilarReduce your paper clutter by turning Evernote into your digital notes system that is useful for all of your organization needs. This time, we talk about saving your manuals to equipment so you don't have to keep the paper version.
Read The Article | Find SimilarMeal planning is an important skill for the organized budget-conscious domestic submissive because not only does it provide healthy meals for your partner, but it will save you money and food waste if you plan correctly.
Read The Article | Find SimilarDeveloped by Ryder Carroll, the idea of analog/bullet journaling is kind of elegant in its simplicity. You have one notebook. Everything goes in that notebook. So what can you put in it that's related to submission?
Read The Article | Find SimilarCan a journal help you when you are single or brand new to submission? And what would you put in it? Let me share with you a few ways that a journal can help you grow in learning and submission as a single submissive and as a new person to BDSM.
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