The essays and original writings in this book expand more on SlaveMaster’s and slave 7’s beliefs of being a Born Slave as well as topics of authenticity, the ego of the slave, freedom in slavery as well as several more topics that would take too long for me to name. Each topic offers viewpoints from SlaveMaster and slave 7, which makes this a great book to be read no matter what side of the slash you find yourself on.
Read The Review | Find SimilarMistress Steel takes aim at emotional abuse in BDSM relationships with a thorough definition and discussion about what it looks like and the impact it can have in a power exchange relationship. This article is a jumping off point and is meant to help you learn what is and isn’t abuse. If you feel you are being abused and need help, please contact your local partner abuse hotline.
Read The Article | Find SimilarNot long after my first step into the real world of BDSM I learned of a phrase that to this day has no real definition that I can pin to it. That phrase is “speaking submissively.” To me, there is no way to speak submissively that isn’t also speaking respectfully and with deference. Many other people speak the same way in situations that call for it, like in front of a judge or to the president for instance.But I still get questions about how a submissive is supposed to say x, y and z so I thought that I’d do my best to convey what I think would work in a variety of circumstances so that if the occasion arises that you need to “speak submissively” you’ll have something you can say.
Read The Series | Find SimilarThe following is a rosary, set up in the same format as the Catholic Rosary to be said during times of meditation for a slave. You can change the prayers any way you'd like or reorganize them.
Read The Article | Find SimilarMy sexual and carnal desires were given to me by God. I'm kinky because that is the way I was made. No evil influences turned me to the dark ways.
Read The Article | Find SimilarDoes religion have any bearing on your decision to submit?
Read The Article | Find SimilarWhen you’re being asked to put your body on display for various purposes, having a low self-esteem or an unhappy body image can be detrimental to how you conduct yourself in and out of play.
Read The Article | Find SimilarUnderstanding that you can be any labels you wish to, we’re going to try to understand why these labels are the ones we desire.
Read The Article | Find SimilarThe fusing of BDSM and tantric massage has taken sexual energy to greater heights, and for many, it’s an experience that’s more satisfying than anything encountered before.
Read The Article | Find SimilarSo, you want me to tell you how you can tell if you are submissive or not? Asking someone else if you are submissive is like asking a blind man what color your dress is. Is there some magical online quiz that can say whether you are submissive or slave? Unfortunately no and I don't think I'd listen to the results of one if it existed either. Submission isn't something you can find in a self-help book or a therapist. Submission is a calling.
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