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Content related to "31 Days of Submissive Journaling - Day 19: Ways to Personalize Your Online Journal (Blog)"


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For Male Submissives

While this site is predominantly written by and for female submissives, a lot of what we write about can apply to male submissives too. But there are topics that are specific to male submissives and relationships where the male is submissive and we’ve curated them into a single collection for you here.

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Pain Processing

Sadomasochism is the giving and receiving of sensations. In a lot of cases, this also includes pain. Many of the sadomasochistic tendencies bleed into our relationships in some form or another so what better discussion than to talk about processing pain. Now, no matter what processing method you use, there are ways you can learn to process pain differently to enjoy pain play more fully, allow you to take more pain and to push your pain edge further.

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Too Young for BDSM - Responding to the Questions I Get from Underage Persons

At least once a month I get an email from someone that is under 18 asking very important questions about BDSM and their curious interest. Here are some of the questions and answers I generally give these persons.

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Where I Am Led: A Service Exploration Workbook

It's organized quite well and I haven't found a single page that isn't worth my time and energy to think about.

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How To Meet Your Perfect Dominant?

Finding your One isn't easy and your longing to finally use your submission with someone that understands and values it can be overpowering. I've been so desperate that I overlooked some very important safety aspects of meeting someone new. Hopefully, you won't make the same mistakes I did.

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7 Ways to Maintain a Long Distance D/s Relationship

There is an art to maintaining any relationship but a long distance one requires a bit more work because you rarely, if ever, see each other in the flesh. LDRs as they are often called can drain the parties involved and cause much stress to see flourish. They aren't impossible to have, but quite difficult to maintain for long periods of time.

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What is Kajira?

I am Kajira. I am a slave. First off that makes me a tool to be used at my Master’s every whim. Whether that is for sexual pleasure, for comfort, for massage, or just to sit in position as commanded.

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Recapturing Common Sense

All novice submissives have a moment where a lapse in judgment can happen. No one is impervious to the lures of desire and dark needs. When offered a chance to experiment or explore our new-found desires we overlook that most important instinct - our gut instinct.

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Submitting in a Long Distance Relationship: The Big Meet

The first meeting with the person that you’ve begun to build an emotional bond with can be a pretty daunting prospect. Here are a couple of tips and suggestions that will help you during your planning process and throughout your time together.

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DIY Your Valentine's Day

There’s no reason to spend a lot of money on a Valentine’s Day gift. In my opinion, it’s so much better to get something that’s been handmade and comes from the heart. Here are some ideas that I’ve seen and absolutely love.

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