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Content related to "The BDSM Safety Mantras"


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Why SSC and RACK Are Both Important Safety Acronyms to Know

The mantra “Safe, Sane, Consensual” (SSC) is probably one of the first things that someone new to the scene learns. RACK stands for two principles designed to give you the opportunity to move outside of your current comfort zones, into a place of interest.

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RACK(Risk Aware Concensual Kink): A Realistic Alternative to SSC

If you have ever tried to explain what we do to someone that doesn't have any familiarity you will probably use these very standards to stand up to your descriptions. An alternative, but one that is even hard for some BDSM practitioners to embrace is called RACK. It stands for Risk Aware Consensual Kink. The only thing that the two safety standards have in common is the consensuality of it.

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The Posh Girl's Guide to Play

Sure she has some creative ideas on how to play out scenes, but she won't get my support for this book.

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Capturing That Elusive Submissive Mindset

Here it is folks, the key to touching your submissive mindset. Are you ready?

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Why Safety is Preached to Novices and Why It's Important to Know Anyway

I believe that as you mature in your place in BDSM the often preached safety items can become obsolete or you may develop your own opinions that don't match what you were taught as a novice. There's nothing wrong with that, but knowing where you started and the importance of knowing these basic safety rules is that foundation.

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Finding My Submissive Focus With a Mantra

If you think that a personal mantra would be a great way to help you keep yourself in the proper submissive mindset, I encourage you to speak with your owner to come up with one that works for you.

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5 Simple Steps to Creating a Personal Submissive Mantra

For a personal mantra to work, it has to be positive. It has to reaffirm your choices in life and establish a realistic goal you can accomplish or a life dream fulfilled.

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Personal Safety Mantra: Safe Sane and Consensual (SSC)

What is SSC? It's a credo that people in the BDSM community use to express the safety tenets of play.

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RACK: The Risk Acceptable Safety Mantra

Understanding the differences of RACK and SSC can help you decide if your preference for activities is more for one mantra or another.

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Consent is Key: SSC and RACK

We will take SSC apart and make consensuality the core for all interactions for it is the most valuable part of a D/s exchange.

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