Sometimes, failing becomes debilitating. As a submissive, we will make mistakes, and how we deal with those mistakes will show us if we intend to grow or flounder. You aren't defined by your mistakes, but by your effort. Keep trying; it's in the number of times you were willing to try that you succeed.
Read The Article | Find SimilarOne of the hidden jewels on this site is an e-Zine that ran on Yahoo Groups back when I first started exploring submission. It has since stopped production but the articles it contained are still valuable and worth a read so I thought I ‘d bring them back to the forefront. They’ve been archived here with the editor’s permission since the site was first created but I don’t think many of you know just how wonderful they are. I encourage you to check them out!
Read The Series | Find SimilarI want to help you figure out for yourself how to answer the question, "How do I improve my submission?".
Watch The Video | Find SimilarIn this hustle and bustle world, we are losing an important connection. No, I'm not talking about the internet; we are all plugged and tuned out from the world around us. We seldom recognize the people around us let alone acknowledge them. If your goal is to be a submissive that serves every wish of your Dominant, sometimes before they know they need or want something you have to unplug and relearn a vital personal trait. You have to become more aware of what's around you.
Read The Article | Find SimilarA personal protocol helps to organize your life and help you reach your goals. It's built with a checks and balances system so that you stay on track. I would like to encourage you to consider developing some personal protocols of your own.
Read The Article | Find SimilarYou can learn and grow in your own personal submission without the aide of someone else. I've seen it countless times. Prove to yourself that you have what it takes to be the best submissive you can be.
Read The Article | Find SimilarI've compiled a few things that I've learned that make the way I submit more fulfilling and improved at every turn of the clock. Take what you can from these and make them work for you.
Read The Article | Find SimilarHas your submission ever let you down?
Read The Article | Find SimilarHow you value your submission is an important measure. Make is strong. Make it beautiful. Make it unique.
Read The Article | Find SimilarBecoming submissive does not mean you stop being who you are now. All of my advice has always been that you should be you, just a better you.
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