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Content related to "Fun Things from February's Little Chat"


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Book Review: Beyond Obedience: For all who are called to Mastery, Ownership, slavery, surrender & service

The essays and original writings in this book expand more on SlaveMaster’s and slave 7’s beliefs of being a Born Slave as well as topics of authenticity, the ego of the slave, freedom in slavery as well as several more topics that would take too long for me to name. Each topic offers viewpoints from SlaveMaster and slave 7, which makes this a great book to be read no matter what side of the slash you find yourself on.

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We’re So Much More than “Just Littles”

There are a lot of people in the lifestyle who don’t know how to understand, let alone handle littles. It’s frustrating to be pigeonholed as only one thing or another. Littles are so much more than the personae they adopt for play or in their relationships. The embrace the innocence of youth. Listen to one’s personal thoughts on the matter.

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Butt Plugs for Training and Pleasure

I'm going to share the secrets of my success with wearing anal toys for long periods of time--by which I mean anywhere from an hour or two to overnight.

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Using Ritual to Maintain and Define Power Exchange

No matter how you view your life, rituals can help define the power structures we choose for our relationships. Rituals can enrich power exchange by giving reinforcement, regularity, and depth to relationships in a unique and beautiful way.

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Lessons in Submissive Speech

Not long after my first step into the real world of BDSM I learned of a phrase that to this day has no real definition that I can pin to it. That phrase is “speaking submissively.” To me, there is no way to speak submissively that isn’t also speaking respectfully and with deference. Many other people speak the same way in situations that call for it, like in front of a judge or to the president for instance.But I still get questions about how a submissive is supposed to say x, y and z so I thought that I’d do my best to convey what I think would work in a variety of circumstances so that if the occasion arises that you need to “speak submissively” you’ll have something you can say.

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I Need Help Finding a Mentor

I was wondering how I can get a submissive mentor? I'd like to talk about things with someone that has experience. I am on fetlife but I don't love posting things where everyone can see. Can you help me find someone?

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Start Here: Don't Begin Exploring BDSM Until You've Read the Basics

There are so many primers out there about BDSM I'm not sure if another one is really needed. Then again with all the basic questions asked on forums and chat rooms about BDSM it's unlikely that my words will not be read by someone and that they will take something new from them.

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Find a Munch at!

Are you looking for kink friends and fun close to you? Have you heard about munches, but don't know what they are, much less where to look? Are you traveling or relocating and not sure about the community at your destination? Or, are you already involved, and you want your local organization to grow?

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Little Does Not Equal Irresponsible

The reason why people outside the AB/DL and little lifestyle tend to think littles are irresponsible is because they assume since we enjoy childlike things, then obviously we are like children in all aspects, and this includes being irresponsible.

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That Don't Impress Me Much: Why You Should Not Withhold Your Safeword

If you don't use your safeword, you could be in for more than just an overly sore backside. A safeword is your lifeline and your partner trusts you to use it if you need to. TR shares a personal story where playing with no safewords went wrong.

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