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Cyber Submission and Exploring D/s Online

Online D/s is perhaps one of the most controversial subjects in the Dominance and submission community. The stance i will take on this subject, based on online D/s relationships of my own, is that yes; it can and does work. Is it anything like real time, face-to-face Dominance and submission relationships? No, not at all. That said, it is still very real and intense for those of us in online or Long Distance Relationships (LDR), and often can and will lead to a real-time (RT) relationship.

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Submissive Positions

Submissive Positions are talked about all over like everyone is supposed to be doing them or something. Not every relationship is set up to provide that level of protocol and you should never expect a relationship to automatically have that. If you are interested in positions, ask your partner or prospective partner if they’d be interested before you go learning any. They may have preferences to how you should look and act. Following them is by far more important than learning about positions online (unless that is their direction).

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Thoughts on Public Vanilla Acceptable Collars

Does one know how to obtain collars that do not look like one can be worn at all time with out so called vanilla’s asking about it…?

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Formal Training – Do You Need It?

Do you need formal training? Sometimes that may be the only way it will work, but in most cases there is no need for structured time to learn a new behavior - it just comes with practice and education. Embrace that your life is continuously about study and practice.

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The Things I Carry That Help My Submission

This is just a small list of the things I carry with me(whether physically, mentally, and emotionally)that help me with my submission and help me be the slave that I want to be.

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Am I Little or What? Discovering the Types of Littles

There are a lot of different labels and terminology when it comes to the world of age players, littles, adult babies, and diaper lovers. Here's a short list.

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A Simple Act of Submission Isn't Always So Simple

Submission is about doing what is asked or ordered of me, without question, whether it’s something I really want to do or not.

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Perspectives: Canes

Canes are a scary tool in expert hands and dangerous tools in the inexperienced person's hand. But it doesn't have to be about pain, although it turned out that way for me.

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How Often Have You Said: "I Don't Know What's Expected of Me, But I'd Like To"?

Let me tell you what you can do to make sure you are better informed before you enter a relationship and shortly after you've found a Dominant to submit to so your question of what is expected of you can be answered as fully as possible.

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The Thrill of Knife Play

Knife play runs the edge of what could be construed as safe because, well, knives. The most important thing to know about knife play is that while it is a powerfully sexy tool, it is best used in the hands of an experienced person with an experienced couple.

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