I'm a list maker. I've always made lists. Grocery lists, cleaning lists, to-do lists and also goal lists. They help organize the mishmash of thoughts constantly running through my head. Making the goals list has made it easier to actualize my dreams and achieve results I never thought possible. I know it can help you too.

In today's post in the Solo-Coaching series, we'll talk about how writing your goals down in black and white will help you actually reach those goals- even if you are more of a take action sort of submissive.

I'm not a take action submissive. But if you are this logic might seem familiar to you. You set goals in your mind and instantly act on them. Sometimes a goal catches you by surprise but you find you are ready to tackle it. You'll know when these goals show up because they will be easy to carry out, they will feel right to you and often they are the kind of goals you feel motivated to act on. Sometimes goals don't need words - they need action.

But I'm a fan of lists. I've made lists of my wants and needs in an ideal relationship, I've completed and updated my BDSM checklist, book lists, resource lists, desires and dreams lists and it always seems like I'm working on another list.

When I find myself the most open and peaceful is when the lists I've made start working its magic. Things step closer to completion, I start crossing things off my to-do lists and my dreams become closer to reality. So grab your notebook and start making your lists.

How Does It Work?

It's really not magic. It's one of the ways your brain works. I'm sure you've all experienced where everywhere you look you see the very thing you've been focusing on getting. Is it a fluke? Not exactly. There is an area in your brain called the reticular activating system that filters out 99% of your sensory input, allowing you to see only what is relevant to you.  So, when you think about something you really want that message is sent to the filter and it works to bring what you want into focus. A goals list anchors that focus for you in black and white. It triggers that filtering system.

So, using that to your advantage when you write something down that you really want to achieve your mind is actively helping you reach it even if you don't consciously know it. Out of the blue, you'll see a step to reaching your goals materialize because of that focus and you'll take it. Not even realizing that you had been working towards it this whole time.

Does it Always Work?

Gosh no. It's not a miracle pill for reaching all of your dreams, but it will help you if you want it to.  You have to be realistic in your goal-setting and celebrate each success. "What you get by achieving your goals is as important as what you become by achieving your goals" - Zig Ziglar, motivational speaker.

Please, sit down right now and think about some submissive goals you have wanted to achieve. These can be behaviors, skills or relationship goals. Be specific and write out steps that can be reached to get to your goals. Make some of your goals fun to reach - you can have fun and still work to better yourself.

And then, when your mind has brought to focus another step to reaching your goals you need to take action on it. Your brain shows you a key it doesn't take that action for you. Let it motivate you to move forward, never back. Your goal list should inspire you, a better you, a more personal you.

What's on your goal list? Share some of it with me in the comments!