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Content related to "Struggling in Submission: Introspection on the Fight to Improve Yourself"


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30 Days of Submission

Every day throughout the month of November 2013 there was a new post from me answering the questions posed in the 30 Days of Submission meme that I’d seen going around. You gain a glimpse into who I am as a submissive and my relationship with KnyghtMare.

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Lessons in Submissive Speech

Not long after my first step into the real world of BDSM I learned of a phrase that to this day has no real definition that I can pin to it. That phrase is “speaking submissively.” To me, there is no way to speak submissively that isn’t also speaking respectfully and with deference. Many other people speak the same way in situations that call for it, like in front of a judge or to the president for instance.But I still get questions about how a submissive is supposed to say x, y and z so I thought that I’d do my best to convey what I think would work in a variety of circumstances so that if the occasion arises that you need to “speak submissively” you’ll have something you can say.

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Conquer Me

By far this is one of the better books on submission I've read in recent memory. I strongly urge you to get a copy of your own!

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The Internal and External Struggles of a Submissive

Submission definitely isn't easy. No matter what direction your journey takes you will have moments where struggle and strife challenge you to continue your submission.

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Solo Coaching - Ask Yourself the Right Questions

To bring about lasting change you need to get into the habit of asking yourself the right questions. The best submissives know how to ask these questions on a regular basis so that they can grow and develop in their journey.

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Why is Submission So Hard!

Submission is hard. It's not an escape from the world and it doesn't make you any less of a responsible adult. Being a supportive partner requires work and devotion.

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Always Striving to be a Perfect Submissive Leaves You Less of Yourself - Here's Why

I think there are a couple of good reasons people strive for perfection, but what we tend to forget is that if we are constantly doing that we can never truly enjoy where we are at any point.

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A Key To Slave Bliss: Contentment

Being content as an individual is most important, the reason being that the level of contentment held by an individual is a clear reflection of how content they are in general and more importantly, it speaks to how much they enjoy their own company.

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Build Self-Esteem through Grooming Rituals: Series Intro

When you’re being asked to put your body on display for various purposes, having a low self-esteem or an unhappy body image can be detrimental to how you conduct yourself in and out of play.

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The Art of Apology: The Importance of Apologizing

Apologizing to someone lets that person know that you care more for them than you do for the outcome of a disagreement; being able to recognize when we’re wrong—or having someone else recognize that they were wrong—can give closure to situations that might otherwise continue to have a negative impact on the relationship.

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