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Some of the Best Kept Secrets to Sub Drop Recovery

There are things you can do to help you prevent some or all of the symptoms of sub drop. Taking care of yourself after you play is a personal responsibility that I wish more submissives would take upon themselves.

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If you’re new, you may have never heard of munches. They are basically gatherings of kinky folk that get together to share food and friendship in a casual atmosphere. But how do you find one? What are they like? Will you be stared at? Let’s answer the questions and dispel the worry and encourage you to head out into the world to your local BDSM community.

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What You Don’t Know About Using Safewords Could Harm You - Get The Facts

Safety comes in many forms and at any level of risk awareness. One of the very first things you learn when you encounter BDSM is the use of safewords. But now, I feel it’s time to gather everything together and really dig deep into safewords; from their use, the safety implied and some of the problems safewords cause.

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What is Devotional Service?

It is the selfless service that many of us strive for that is devotional. When you choose to do nothing but please your Dominant and that your joy is in the service and not some reward or praise, this can be seen as devotional service.

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After "Red" : How to Manage the Aftermath When You've Used Your Safeword

You should never fear using your safeword. There are ways to deal with the guilt, disappointment, fear, sense of failure for using your safeword and the failing to use your safeword at all that many of us feel at one time or another.

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Limits are personal boundaries that everyone places for how far they are willing to take things. These limits can be sexual, personal, emotional or otherwise. You may even have some for your every day that you don’t realize are limits. If you don’t have any BDSM experience, the idea of setting up limits can be challenging. Let’s dive into what they are, how to figure them out and why you make sure they are respected.

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Submissive Positions

Submissive Positions are talked about all over like everyone is supposed to be doing them or something. Not every relationship is set up to provide that level of protocol and you should never expect a relationship to automatically have that. If you are interested in positions, ask your partner or prospective partner if they’d be interested before you go learning any. They may have preferences to how you should look and act. Following them is by far more important than learning about positions online (unless that is their direction).

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Am I Ready to Go from Online Submission to Real Life?

Online D/s is nothing like real time because on the internet you can suspend life. You are in a time bubble, just you and your partner. Chores, bills, family and other commitments rarely get in the way while you are online. Some submissives who start to rely on the internet for their D/s fix find that when they go away from the computer that they never realized how different it is. When you can say "I am ready" rather than "Am I ready?" it's time to step out into the world.

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A Day in the Life: bonimiss

This is a post by bonimiss for the Day in the Life Series.

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Beyond Limits: The Illusion of Safety

The only true limitations are those fundamental values that you carry at your core. The inviolate lines that you will not cross for to do so you believe would compromise who you believe yourself to be. That final line in the sand.

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