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Showing 11 to 20 of 1419.

BDSM and Parenting

Here’s the bottom line. Yes, you can be kinky and be a parent. Yes, you can be a 24/7 submissive and still be a parent. It’s all about what you let your children see and how you explain the things they may hear or see that you were trying to hide.

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The Bride Wore Black Leather

Honestly, if there was one book that everyone who entered into a chat room, online discussion list, much or large gathering had read first it would be this book. I think there would be far more understanding and ability to use appropriate behavior in certain situations.

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The Best-selling Items on Amazon According to What Our Readers Are Buying

Today I spent some time digging into the purchases of BDSM books and have compiled the following breakdown of best selling books and some odds and ends that surprised us.

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Five Reasons Why You Shouldn't Manipulate Your Vanilla Man into Being a Dominant

People often misunderstand how relationship communication works because they may have had such poor examples or think that coercing or manipulating someone is par for the course.

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Exploring Hormone Junkies: Part 3 - Testosterone

Peel back the reasons behind being obstinate and competitive and generally you end up with a whole lot of testosterone.

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Jealousy and Mono/Poly Relationships

Here's what has helped Mina learn about jealousy in a mono/poly relationship - it just might help you too.

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Busyness, Why Do We Think It Adds Value?

I've come to see that oftentimes we slaves measure our value as slaves according to the accomplishments of other slaves and attempt to match the productivity level of other slaves that we look up to.

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Altered Mental States

The human mind is vulnerable to suggestion. Within the BDSM community, there is a strong underlying foundation for voluntarily focused enthrallment.

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31 Days of Submissive Journaling: Day 25 – Book Notes: How to Select and Read With Purpose

There are many ways to take notes and everyone has a preferred method. Let me teach you my note-taking method that I have developed over the years.

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