One of the things that is hard for me to convey on this site is that each and every relationship is different and unique. I can only write from my viewpoint and I only expect that from my guest authors as well. But sometimes it helps to get a glimpse into another's world to really appreciate it for what it is.

I've created what will be an ongoing series here on Submissive Guide called "A Day in the Life." It will present to you another submissive's typical day of service to their Dominant so you can walk in their shoes for awhile. It's fun to learn and grow and understand where others are coming from.

Over the next few weeks, months and possibly years I'm going to showcase guest posts from readers just like you as they share what a day of service and submission is like for them. You'll learn about all the different types of relationships and the variety of lives that you all lead on this wonderful journey. Feel free to comment and ask each other questions. No one is better or higher or more submissive than anyone else in this series. We are all leading lives that we've created.

It's never too late to submit a guest post for the "Day in the Life" series. Please check this post for details on what is expected.

List of Participants

  1. fuzzyP
  2. Pam
  3. Autumn Raine Skye
  4. Darling Doll
  5. lunaKM
  6. nan{SL}
  7. Tlbsab
  8. TequilaRose
  9. Autumn
  10. Wkslittleone
  11. rife
  12. YOU could be here!