
I am a fairly new female submissive, my dom being another female who has been a major part of most of my life, this is just how our relationship has evolved. I understand how an open relationship works, but my last one instilled some major jealousy issues within me. I know to whom i belong and  where my place is, and that i'm not going anywhere. but i have a very hard time watching my mistress have interest in anyone else even though i know i wear the collar and everyone else is just a toy for us. is there any advice for me to help me get over this issue?



First of all, remember that you are human and that jealousy and selfishness are going to be in your human make up somewhere, how you deal with it is what makes the difference.  What you have to work on is the root of your feelings.  What causes the jealousy twinges?  Then evaluate them.

For example, say that your Mistress is having a scene with another person, or is having another person service her sexually. What exactly is the part of that in which is causing your twinges? Is it that you feel that you are less to her because she is involved at that moment with someone else? Is it a fear that she will choose this other person over you? Break it down, and then discuss those feelings with her. Another recommendation is to journal out your raw feelings, explain to your Mistress that this is how you can get out your feelings whether irrational or not, and then work on a plan together to address them one at a time. Needing reassurance is also not a bad thing at all.

You have to realize that not everyone can just, “Get over it.”  And trust takes time. There may be a great many things that you trust her with, just because you are having an issue with this, doesn’t mean you are any less of a submissive. In fact, because you have the strength to see this as a problem and are addressing it, says a lot about you. She is very lucky to have you. So that alone shows that you can work through these twinges, you just need to find what works best for you.

Happy Submitting.
